Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Used Pontoon Boats - Creative Community Living's Camp

Hi gang, Rick Ostler here from North American Waterway bringing you Used Pontoon Boats along with news and views from the boating industry. Here is a great story out of Augusta, GA.

Campers rode horses, fished, worked on crafts, cruised on a pontoon boat, danced, played bingo, watched fireworks and tried lots of other activities at Creative Community Living's camp held Aug. 14-16 at the Kansas Jaycees Cerebral Palsy Ranch north of Augusta.

The rural site includes a swimming pool, two dormitories, a lodge and a dining hall. All are specially equipped for people with disabilities. A small lake, trees, grassy areas and a pasture with several horses all add to the beauty of the camp. A concrete ramp and a lift make it possible for campers - even those who ordinarily use wheelchairs - to ride horses.

"Camp is an opportunity for the individuals to participate in camp activities that are fun and accessible to them," said Nancy Mayberry, CCL's director of day services. "Horseback riding, hayrack rides, swimming, boating are all available. The men and women are not limited by their physical or mental capabilities."

Of the many activities, Mayberry said fishing, riding horses, going on hayrack rides, playing bingo and boating were especially popular.

When the pontoon boat was stranded in the middle of the lake because of mechanical failure, no one got upset.

"Even though they had to paddle back to shore, it was an enjoyable activity," she said.

Approximately 105 men and women from Winfield, Arkansas City, El Dorado, Andover and Wichita attended camp. About 30 stayed each night while others spent several hours or the day and then returned home. For day service clients, it was an opportunity to stay overnight without parental supervision.

"The individuals really look forward to camp," Mayberry said. "And with the recent cooler weather, people who are normally limited by the heat got to spend a lot more time outside enjoying the fresh air and activities."

On Friday evening, some parents came for supper, visiting and the outdoor dance. Thanks to the pleasant weather, more attended and stayed longer than in the past.

Legacy, a Regional Community Foundation, and other groups in Cowley and Butler counties helped fund CCL's camp. Thanks to;
CCL clients enjoy camp experience

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